Sunday, March 6, 2011

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

I'm back. Well, common test is over. Section A and B was pretty easy. However, Section C was a slight challenge. It's alright, let bygones be bygones. Nothing could be done to what had already occurred. Well, I'm here not to share about the test. However, I'm here to write an overall review about Macbeth. Without wasting more time,so this is a brief summary on the story, Macbeth.

All the tragedies in this play started with...

Act 1 Scene 1 : Three witches decided to meet with the great Macbeth on his victorious return from a war between Scotland and Norway. Macbeth, and another person called Banquo, happen upon the three witches. The witches predict that he will one day become king. He decides that he will murder Duncan. Macbeth's wife agrees to his plan. He then murders Duncan assisted by his wife who smears the blood of Duncan on the daggers of the sleeping guards.

Act 1 Scene 2 : The king and his thanes are at a camp and hear word of the battle from the bleeding sergeant. The sergeant had saved Malcolm earlier. He says that the battle was doubtful, with the rebel Macdonwald receiving reinforcements and luck. However, Macbeth managed to fight well, and killed the slave Macdonwald. A second attack by the Norweyan lord angered Macbeth and he met their attacks so the Norwegians got their butts kicked. The sergeant goes to get some medical attention, and then Ross tells the rest of the story. Norway and the rebel Thane of Cawdor were met by Macbeth and were defeated. The Norwegian king  was forced to pay ten thousand dollars. Macbeth is given the rebel Cawdor's title.

Pick a favourite character. Justify

Banquo is my most favourite character.He is a Scottish general in the king's army and Macbeth's friend. With Macbeth, Banquo helps Duncan's forces claim victory over the king of Norway and the thane of Cawdor. Following the battle, Banquo and Macbeth encounter the witches, who make several prophesies about Macbeth. They then speak to Banquo about his own future, saying that Banquo's descendants will be kings. Unlike Macbeth, who appears to be fascinated by the weird sisters, Banquo expresses doubts about the witches and their prophesies. Both Macbeth and Banquo have ambitious thoughts. However, he is not a greedy person like Macbeth. He does not translate those thoughts into action. Banquo’s character stands as a rebuke to Macbeth, since he represents the path Macbeth chose not to take which is a path in which ambition need not lead to betrayal and murder. In short, Banquo is a very patient and ambitious person. However, he does not do reckless things without thinking deeply and carefully.

What can you learn from Macbeth?

Some of the things I learnt are...

Courage - Macbeth is a courageous Scottish general who is not naturally inclined to commit evil deeds, yet he deeply desires power and advancement. He kills Duncan against his better judgment and afterward stews in guilt and paranoia. Toward the end of the play he descends into a kind of frantic, boastful madness. Although he knew that bad acts will always lead to an unpleasant result, he still had the courage to pursue his goals, with the influence of his wife. He also fought courageously during his battles.

Determination - Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, pursues her goals with greater determination, yet she is less capable of withstanding the repercussions of her immoral acts. She forced her husband mercilessly to kill Duncan and urges him to be strong in the murder’s aftermath, but she is eventually driven to distraction by the effect of Macbeth’s repeated bloodshed on her conscience.Macbeth, in this story also demonstrates determination. He fought hard in the battle and are determined to win. He's also determined to be the king. With the help of Lady Macbeth and his own desires to be the king, he persevered to get the throne. However, he demonstrated his determination in an evil and negative way.

Lastly, one of the most important thing I learnt is not to be gullible and blindly and easily trust others. For example, Banquo who trusted that Macbeth will not do evil acts when pursuing his goals to be the king. Also, King Duncan's trust in Macbeth. King Duncan trusted Macbeth too much that without realising, Macbeth is not loyal and has betrayed him. Lastly, the cause of all this tragedies in this story of Macbeth are the three witches. Macbeth had trusted and went on for his next actions because he believed the witches too much. He believed that the prophecies the three witches told him were true and will happen. However, in the end, Macbeth was killed.

That's all for my post this time :) It's the last week of Term 1. I hope I'll enjoy the holidays even though I believe that I'll have a lot of homework and activities . Well, that's life. I'm enjoying it ;D

-(Siti Nurhayati)

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